Royal Mail
Marking ten years of bbc series sherlock

Our brief from Royal Mail was to create a set of six special stamps marking ten years since the first airing of Sherlock. The concept was that each stamp would bring to life a pivotal epsiode and feature one of the show's main protagonists.

The challenge was to capture the stylised way each episode was filmed, and the special aesthetic nuances of the storytelling of Sherlock in a small area of print. By overlaying subtle transparent layers of screen grabs, and artfully blended colour hues, we were able to capture the essence of each episode. Showing overlaid clues, memories, text messages and even thought processes helped us create the mind games running through Sherlock.

You can order the stamps and stamp products on the Royal Mail Shop


  • Image creation|
  • Stamp design|
  • Illustration|
  • Stamp product design
All six Sherlock stamps shown together
Stamp pack design with the six Sherlock stamps placed on
Sherlock first day cover envlope and rubber hand stamps